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A New Book on DSK: "Madame DSK: a Broken Destiny" by Authors Catherine Rambert and Renaud Revel

Aug 3, 2011

According to Le Nouvel Observateur, a French magazine, Madame Sinclair was so upset when she received the news of her husband's arrest that she howled and was unable to talk for a couple of hours. She immediately sought refuge at her financier friend's home where she collapsed.

This new book, "Madame Sinclair" gives...

Translation of Most Explicit, Graphic, Erotic, Steamy but Criminal Terms Contained in DSK's Case From English into French: The French That Is Never Taught in School or College (Traduction des Termes Graphiques...)

Jun 7, 2011

Beware: Roland Ferrero Laporte's book contains explicit and graphic materials only suited for adults or those aged 18 or older

. This book gives you the right word or le mot juste en Francais!

Get a copy of this book by Author Roland Ferrero Laporte at Le Peuple de L’Etat de New York Contre Dominique Strauss-Khan: New...

DSK Pleads Not Guilty This Morning, June 6, 2011 - DSK Plaide Non Coupable Ce Matin, 6 Juin 2011. See the Book (Steamy, Dark Urban Erotic and Crime-ridden Book)

Jun 6, 2011

DSK went to court this morning where he lodged his "non-guilty" plea.  In just a few minutes, his lawyers, wife and he were out of the court.  

As he was leaving the court, a group of hotel employees supporting the presumed victim, started shouting to DSK, "Shame on you!  Shame on you!"

It was a brief court...

Le Texte de la Plainte Deposee par l'employee de Sofitel: Text of Complaint Filed by Sofitel Employee, Presumed Victim of DSK

Jun 5, 2011

Rue89 publie, à titre de document, la traduction de la plainte déposée par l'employée de l'ĥôtel Sofitel contre Dominique Strauss-Kahn, et publiée par le site de la chaîne ABCNews. C'est le point de vue de l'accusation : DSK, lui, nie cette version des faits.

Le peuple de l'Etat de New York contre Dominique...