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Learn Free French MP3 Dialogues, Diction, Reading, and News

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Nov 26, 2017

Some excerpts are from this French Textbook and Notes for English Speakers, an ebook

French ebook

Les sons du français, les sons des voyelles et des consonnes – French sounds, vowel and consonant sounds

Presentations, Faisons connaissance, explication, dialogues, What is this, What is that, what, which, situations...

May 29, 2017

Mlangue - Mango



Purchase the book to learn Haitian Creole and understand the <a href="">recipes found in this podcast series.</a>

A Brief Taste of Haiti:  Haitian Gastronomy, Haitian Food Culture

A Vignette of the Window into Top Haitian...

Feb 16, 2015


Extraits du discours de Lassana le 20 janvier 2015 après sa naturalisation.

Invitation du Premier Ministre Israelien aux Juifs Francais, Danois, Europeens.....

<p>Voici de bons titres et textes pour vous faciliter l'apprentisage de la langue

Premier livre: French Textbook and Notes for English Speakers


Jan 19, 2015

Un nouveau 'Juste Parmi les Nations' or a new 'Righteous Among the Nations, the Righteous Gentile'?

Il n'est pas Oskar Schindler.  Il est simplement un jeune Malien et Musulman pratiquant sa foie.  Mais il sauvait ses clients Jwifs a Hyper Cacher.

For his heroic, humanitarian act, his compassion, he has become famous...